The U.S Military just got a HUGE wake up call and it’s bad | Redacted with Clayton Morris

World News

Forget Super Soldier Serum! It’s the reverse of that as the military’s new policy for transgender active service members. They can now get cross-sex hormones and sex changes on taxpayer dollars and avoid deployment and active duty while transitioning. They can also get out of fitness and grooming standards which is necessary given the number of counter-indications that have been associated with these hormones and surgeries used for gender dysphoria including: headaches, memory loss, weight gain, osteoporosis, teeth that shed enamel or cracked, degenerative spinal disks, painful joints, radical mood swings, seizures, migraines and suicidal thoughts, fibromyalgia, fertility problems and cognitive issues. Good thing we’re a peaceful country with an army like that! Oh wait…?

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