Europe sovereignty: ‘Pandemic, war made us discover we have to reduce our dependencies’

Europe sovereignty

France’s Macron says Europe must shape its own destiny: French President Emmanuel Macron discussed his conception of “European sovereignty” in a key address at the Nexus institute in The Hague on Tuesday. “It means that we must be able to choose our partners and shape our own destiny, rather than being, I would say, a mere witness of the dramatic evolution of this world,” he said, adding that this could be done “in a cooperative manner in keeping with our spirit of openness and partnership.” His speech came after he caused a stir over the weekend with remarks on China the US and Taiwan. “The question we need to answer, as Europeans, is the following: Is it in our interest to accelerate [a crisis] on Taiwan? No,” Macron told Les Echos and Politico on Friday. “The worst thing would be to think that we Europeans must become followers on this topic and take our cue from the US agenda and a Chinese overreaction.” Politicians in the United States, Europe and China criticized those remarks but the White House said on Monday it was “confident” in the relationship with France despite Macron’s comments. Macron spoke in English outlining his vision for a new era

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